Gamepad API Complete Guide

Introducing the Gamepad API: Enhance Your Gamepad Integration

Welcome to the developer web page of! Are you ready to take your gamepad integration to the next level? With the powerful Gamepad API, you can effortlessly incorporate gamepad support into your web applications. Let's explore the capabilities of this API and learn how to harness its potential.

Getting Started: Detecting Gamepad Connection

To begin, it's crucial to listen for the gamepadconnected event on the window object. This event fires whenever a gamepad is connected or detected by the browser, even if it was already plugged in and the page was refreshed. Here's a code snippet to help you get started:

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                   window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected" , (event) => {   
console.log("A gamepad connected:");
window.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected" , (event) => {
console.log("A gamepad disconnected:");

By utilizing these event listeners, you'll be able to capture the connection and disconnection of gamepads effectively.

Retrieving Gamepad State

To obtain real-time updates on the gamepad state, you'll need to call the navigator.getGamepads() function. This function returns an array containing currently connected gamepads along with their button and axis positions. Typically, you would invoke this function once per frame to ensure you have the most up-to-date information. Take a look at the following code snippet:

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               var gamepads = navigator.getGamepads(); 

The returned object provides an array of gamepads, each represented by a gamepad object. Each gamepad object contains valuable information such as the axes' positions, button states, connection status, identification, and more.

Exploring Gamepad Capabilities

Gamepad API offers an array of possibilities beyond button and axis data. For instance, Chrome now supports vibration effects, allowing you to provide haptic feedback to users. The following code demonstrates how to trigger vibration effects on Xbox and PS4 controllers:

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gamepad.vibrationActuator.playEffect("dual-rumble", {
startDelay: 0,
duration: 1000,
weakMagnitude: 1.0,
strongMagnitude: 1.0


Stay up to date with the latest advancements in the Gamepad API as experimental features like VR pose data and additional haptic feedback options continue to emerge. While these features might not be widely supported at present, they hold promising potential for future gamepad integration.

For further information and in-depth details about the Gamepad API, be sure to consult the comprehensive resources provided below:

Gamepad API: Access detailed information about the Gamepad API, including its experimental features.

Take Your Gamepad Integration to the Next Level

With the Gamepad API, you have the tools to create immersive gaming experiences on the web. Seamlessly incorporate gamepad support into your applications, capture button and axis data, and even provide haptic feedback to users. Stay ahead of the curve by exploring emerging features and experimenting with new possibilities. Elevate your gamepad integration and deliver outstanding experiences to your users.

Begin your journey with the Gamepad API today and unlock the full potential of gamepad integration!